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Showing posts from August, 2013

Churches of Vancouver

I'm in the very early stages of a project i'm working on where I am documenting the  churches of Vancouver. I'm a little shocked just how many churches there are, there are almost a dozen within a 5 minute walking distance of my house which is slightly outside of downtown in Mount Pleasant.  Considering Vancouver is suppose to be Canada's most 'modern' 'contemporary' 'cosmopolitan' city, the only exception being maybe Montreal I was surprised to find so many religious fanatics here. I have experienced so many door to door recruiters, preachers on street corners and just downright crazy people spurting scripture at me on transit. Moving from Ireland, which is still a very catholic country, I was surprised to find myself subjected to way more religious self-righteousness here in Canada. Being surrounded by churches is nothing new, however the only difference is the Churches back home are actually quite beautiful coming from and architect...